University of Southampton



Professor of Chemical Modelling
PI & Program Coordinator of the ERC Synergy Grant ADAM


Dr. Chris Taylor ([email protected])

Dr. Ramón Cuadrado (until 2023)

Dr. Joe Glover ([email protected])

Dr. Lucia Gigli ([email protected])

Dr. Jordan Dorrell ([email protected])

Dr. Payam Kalhor

Mr. Jay Johal

Ms. Sophie Bennett

Mr. Pedro Juan Royo

Ms. Hannah Gittins

University of Rostock

Professor Kerstin Thurow 

Dr.-Ing.habil., Dr.rer.nat.


Professor of Automation / Life Science Automation 

Managing Director of CELISCA (Center for Life Science Automation)


Dr.-Ing Thomas Roddelkopf (Coordinator)

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Faiek Ruzaij Al-Okby 

Dr.-Ing. Steffen Junginger

M.Sc. Simon-Johannes Burgdorf

M.Sc. Mohamed Ali Tlili

M.Sc. Jiahao Huang

M.Sc. Anna Bach (2020-2021)

University of Liverpool

Professor Andy Cooper



Professor of Chemistry

Director of the Materials Innovation Factory


Dr. Gabriella Pizzuto (04/2021-07/2023)

Dr. Joseph Tacker (04/2021-09/2022)

Dr. Louis Longley

Dr. Filip Szczypinski

Xue Wang (09/2022-08/2023)

Caitlin Shields

Amy Lunt

Dr. Marx Little

Dr. Xenofon Evangelopoulos

Dr. Zuzana Oriou

Zikai Xie

Dr. Anna Slater

Dr. Sam Chong

Prof. Vitaly Kurlin

Isaiah Borne

Francisco Manguia-Galeano

Hadi Beyzaee Juneghani

Minggao Feng