Prof. A. Cooper at ICRA 2024
08. May 2024
ERC Project ADAM will be presenting latest research on integrating mobile robots into material discovery processes.
Prof. K. Thurow at ICRA 2024
01. May 2024
celisca will be included in a full-day Workshop on Accelerating Discovery in Natural Science Laboratories with AI and Robotics at the ICRA 2024 in Yokohama, Japan. Large-scale, high-throughput experiments and big data are becoming fundamental for scientific discoveries. New discoveries are time-consuming and costly; hence, laboratory automation based on robotics and AI aim to shorten and reduce these factors.
Welcome from the PIs ....
05. November 2021
We are excited to start into a new challenging international science journey. You are welcome to follow our research and the jointly reached scientific results here... Graeme M. Day , Kerstin Thurow, Andy Cooper
Professor Kerstin Thurow appointed as "Honorary Professor" at Central South University China
01. November 2021
The Central South University China has appointed Prof. Kerstin Thurow as an "Honorary Professor". With this appointment, the university honors the previous research achievements of Prof. Thurow in the field of automation technology and robotics.
New research grant to combine computational chemistry and robots
11. October 2019
A research project led by The University of Southampton that will combine computational chemistry and robots to discover new materials has been awarded a highly coveted grant of ten million euros. It is the first time the University of Southampton has won a Synergy Grant from the European Research Council. These grants are awarded to research that has “the potential of becoming a benchmark on a global scale”.
Universität Rostock erhält europäische Förderung
11. October 2019
Im Rahmen des ERC Synergy Grant erhalten die Universitäten Southampton (GB), Liverpool (GB) und Rostock eine Förderung für den gemeinsamen Antrag zum „automatisierten Entwickeln innovativer Materialien“. Es ist das erste Mal, dass es einer Hochschule des Landes gelungen ist, eine der wichtigsten EU-Forschungsförderungen nach Mecklenburg-Vorpommern zu holen. Die Förderung beträgt insgesamt 10 Millionen Euro und wird über einen Zeitraum von sechs Jahren gewährt.
€10M ERC Synergy Grant to discover new materials using intelligent robots
10. October 2019
The University of Liverpool, the University of Southampton and the University of Rostock, Germany, have been awarded a prestigious ERC research grant to combine computational chemistry and robots to discover new materials. It is the first time the University of Liverpool has won a Synergy grant from the European Research Council. These grants are awarded to research that has “the potential of becoming a benchmark on a global scale”. Graeme Day, Professor of Chemical Modelling at the...